Multi Academy Trust Data

A complete assessment and monitoring solution for all pupils across your trust

A Complete assessment and monitoring solution for all pupils across your trust 

View your whole MAT, from Nursery to sixth form in one place. Create sub mats or groups of schools within the MAT. Drill down from mat to region (sub mat) to school to pupil and back again. Construct a MAT-wide assessment system to be what you want, when you want, and how you want it to be. Devise your own mat board, officer and academy reports. View context, attendance and assessment data in one place. Academies can customise their own assessments in addition to the mat structure without it impacting the trust structure.

Don’t waste time collecting and collating data from your academies – get it automatically.

The MAT dashboard is an easy to read, single page view, using real-time data. It shows a graphical or tabular presentation of the current status and historical trends of key performance indicators (KPIs) to enable informed decisions and/or analysis to be made at a glance.

It enables users to see quickly when something is wrong or right. It depicts when something needs to be dealt with or requires further investigation. It provides the helicopter vision that enables users to get a ‘prima facie’ view/feel for the whole organisation.


Tracking across academies

Track and report on any group of pupils across the whole MAT

Additional Reports

Reports on the academy for:

  • Trust officers
  • School improvement personnel

View the MAT as a whole unit

View individual academies and pupils


Share practices across academies

Set up the curriculum centrally

In other words, it shows:

  • where we are now
  • what is our direction of travel?
  • what we should be doing or investigating

The MAT view:

  • is simple and communicates information easily
  • supports users with meaningful and useful data
  • is easy to look at and extract important information from

You can record visits /support and operational activities of the Trust to help demonstrate what makes a difference. It produces bespoke reports that enable the MAT to benchmark and compare academy performance. You can create a MAT assessment process and implement that across all academies to ensure consistency in assessment processes and reporting.

  • Do you share the same information about your schools with all professionals that work in schools?
  • Do you have to go to several different places or people in order to get the information you require?
  • Do you find that you are overloaded with a plethora of data that is not organised and linked in a systematic and accessible fashion?
  • Does it take longer than expected to get the answer to what would appear at first glance a simple question?

DCPro solves all of these issues and much more. A simple, quick, and effective way to view your whole MAT from Pre-School to 6th Form. Context, attendance, exclusions, assessments/targets (subjects and KPIs) – for the Trust, academy clusters, individual academies, pupil groups and right down to individual pupils and back again with a few clicks.

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